Wednesday, January 30, 2013

XOXO Gossip Girl

A hiatus from Gossip Girl can feel like years if you're as addicted to the Upper East Side drama as I am. Thanks to Eric Daman's brilliant styling — every episode unfolds with a cast of enviable designer goodies. Unfortunately, since the show has left the air for good, I am in need of a new style muse. Blair Waldorf modeled some of the most beautiful, and yet practical, looks on the show. In tribute to to her I feel it necessary to break out my pea coat every so often and tromps through my daily errands in my best pair of kitten heels.
GG majorly influences the way I dress for school dances as well. Whether it's the "Serena" neckline or Taylor Momsen's irresistible edginess I ogle over the formal looks from the show. Since it's that time of year to be endlessly inspired by all of the "dance- worthy" looks everywhere around you, I am sharing my favorite from Gossip Girl's final season. Hit the CW website for more detail regarding all of these looks.


Oh yeah- and of course- XOXO, Gossip Girl.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fashion for the Cure 2013

Prokids is a foster care service that has been providing safe, nurturing homes for orphaned children since 1981. They strive to ensure that no child involved in their operation encounters any abuse or neglect meanwhile staying at separate foster homes. This great cause is not to go unrecognized!

That is why Sycamore's Fashion for the Cure 2013 is raising their proceeds to go directly to Prokids! This entertaining, fun fashion show is a one- night- only experience. Your fellow classmates participate by modeling the designs of the Sycamore fashion students. The SHS council this season is pictured, looking fabulous, below:

More to come on Sycamore's FFTC!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New You

As cliche as they are, I am a fan of new year's resolutions. Actually I'm a fan of every- day resolutions. I don't think anybody needs an excuse to reinvent something about themselves. However, I understand the practicality behind allowing yourself ample time to prepare for the beginning of your "resolution period".
Every year I fluctuate on my resolution (and staying faithful to it). A common one among women is to diet or to workout more, but staying true to that shouldn't come just within the time frame of immediately before or after the holidays, when you've eaten the most and spent more time at the mall than the gym. That's a resolution that should ultimately be a goal to attain, not necessarily an instantaneous turn around of your dietary habits. Another one that is really common among high school students is to organize themselves better. Time management and multitasking are difficult in high school... trust me I know. Often teenagers use the new year to rearrange lockers or backpacks, and hope that a more stable organization system will segway them into success in the classroom.
My resolution for this year? Since I'm off to college in the sunshine state I will practically be living on the beach! Which means a perfect tan but dried out post-ocean hair. Sun and surf are actually very damaging for your hair. Humidity causes frizzing and split ends and chlorine or salt cause color to fade and thin your hair out. So to prep my long hair- that I have been growing out tirelessly since sophomore year- I've decided to use minimal heat on my hair for the school year. This means no straightening or curling- GASP!
I've purchased some Bumble & Bumble serum to help repair my ends. I've also purchased some foam rod curlers which are the curlers that are sans heat and made for sleeping in. With these secret weapons I am going to learn to love my natural hair. Once I'm caught up in the craziness of college I will not have time to roll out of bed and do my hair for hours on end so why not start loving my bedhead now! No, it won't be bedhead, but it won't be pin straight or glamorously curly every day.
My resolution is pretty low- key but I am sure that every girl out there cherishes her hair the way I do and would love to give it some well- deserved R&R.
Lemme know your new years resolutions in the comment queue below! Good luck resolvers!

Happy New Year!